Samsung Omnia II Master reset

In order to do a factory reset simply open the phone and dial “*2767*3855#”

The phone will restart and then do a master reset (make sure the battery is not too low now, that will be bad).

Another way should be “Settings > Basic Settings > Memory Settings > Clear memory > Enter + 1234 and confirm”

Another way is to hold all of the following buttons at once “green dial + power + volume up+ keylock” that will give you a question if you are sure (green dial confirms).

Samsung U600 install jar directly (without ota download)

This is likely to work on other Samsung devices as well, when I get around to it I will try it on some more devices.
1. Transfer the .jad and .jar files to the phones memory to the ‘Other Files’ folder.
You can transfer the files from Samsung PC Studio’s ‘Phone Explorer’, or just transfer it straight to the memory card and move it to ‘Other Files’ from the phone’s menu.
(If you don’t have a .jad file, you can download ‘Jad Maker’ (google) and make a new one)

2. Exit all menus and type in this code: *#9998*4678255#.
You should now get a ‘Activated’ message. Java install is enabled.

3. Go to the ‘Other Files’ folder and select the .jad file (should be 1kb).
Press ‘Options’ (left soft key) and you should get a ‘Do you want to install’ question.
Press ‘Yes’ to install.

4. To deactivate Java install, simply type the same code again.
You should now get a ‘Deactivated’ message.

Internet for Java on Samsung X640

Turns out that Samsung x640 don’t use the defaut settings to connect to the internet for java applications. And the way the Samsung said this was by simply freezing when it asked “Want to send HTTP information?”

This is changed in: Menu -> Fun box -> JAVA world -> Internet Settings and here entering the settings that your service provider gives you.
Doing so made me get past this screen.

(Just to bad I still can’t get it working 🙁 )