AnkhSVN “No uncommitted changes” but nothing is shown in the log and update does not solve the warning

When doing a merge using AnkhSVN and doing “pre-merge best practices check” the error message “No uncommitted changes” is shown this means that the working copy is not updated or has changes that are not commited.

However sometimes this error can be shown even when the pending changes window in Visual Studio is empty and you have done update to Latest version. (Most likely there are files that Subversion see as missing or Deleted but that are not shown in the pending changes window)

The solution I use when this happens is to open the working copy folder and use TortoiseSVN to see what is going on and then solve things so that TortoiseSVN shows nothing in the pending changes.

Also from the console “svn status -q” can be used to see what files have changes. (-q means that we only would like status on files that are under version control.

Internet Explorer 10 Turning Compatibility mode on (From server)

In order to turn Compatibility mode on for Internet Explorer the server should send “X-UA-Compatible” as a header with the value IE=EmulateIE9. This will force Internet explorer to use compatibility mode if it is a version higher than 9

If we using ISS (making for instance a project) the following web.config can be used to do this.

  <!-- Other settings -->
        <clear />
        <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=EmulateIE9" />

Mode details on the possible values for the header tag

Sometimes sending this as a header tag works, then this should be sent first in the header tag

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9" />

Internet Explorer 10 Turning Compatibility mode off (From server)

In order to turn Compatibility mode off for Internet Explorer the server should send “X-UA-Compatible” as a header with the value IE=Edge. This will force Internet explorer to use the latest mode the version has (this works from IE 6 to 11 and up)

If we using ISS (making for instance a project) the following web.config can be used to do this.

  <!-- Other settings -->
        <clear />
        <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=Edge" />

Mode details on the possible values for the header tag

Cisco router configure static ip

2620XMR01#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
2620XMR01(config)#interface fastethernet 0/0
2620XMR01(config-if)#ip address
2620XMR01(config-if)#no shutdown
*Mar  1 00:06:09.167: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up
*Mar  1 00:06:10.167: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up
*Mar  1 00:06:17.383: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
2620XMR01#copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...

Cisco solving error opening tftp:// at bootup

When you power on or restart a switch that does not have a config.text file in flash memory, the switch tries to get configuration files from a TFTP server. If the configuration files are not found, the switch automatically configures the service config global configuration command, which causes the switch to continue searching (in the background) for the expected configuration files.

If the service config command does not find the configuration files, these error messages appear:

%Error opening tftp:// (Socket error)
%Error opening tftp:// (Socket error)
%Error opening tftp:// (Socket error)
%Error opening tftp:// (Socket error)
*Mar  1 00:03:29.695: %SYS-4-CONFIG_RESOLVE_FAILURE: System config parse from (tftp:// failed
*Mar  1 00:03:29.699: %SYS-4-CONFIG_RESOLVE_FAILURE: System config parse from (tftp:// failed
*Mar  1 00:03:29.703: %SYS-4-CONFIG_RESOLVE_FAILURE: System config parse from (tftp:// failed
*Mar  1 00:03:29.707: %SYS-4-CONFIG_RESOLVE_FAILURE: System config parse from (tftp:// failed

These message should be considered as warnings.

In order to stop this from happening at boot time add “no service config” and “no boot network” to the global configuration (and save these changes)

2620XMR01#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
2620XMR01(config)#no service config
2620XMR01(config)#no boot network
*Mar  1 00:05:22.967: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
2620XMR01#copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...

Programming a Motorola MAXTRAC using DOSBox

One way to program a Motorola MAXTRAC is to use a older slower computer with a serialport on it.
Another way is to use DOSBox to emulate a computer running DOS, it is also possible to emmulate a slow computer.

I did this from a PIII Laptop @ 1Ghz running Windows XP, but other operating systems are also possible to use, but in some cases these instructions needs to be modified.

And NO, I will not give you a copy of the RSS so don’t bother asking for it.

  1. Start with setting up DOSBox so you can access the serial port you wish to use. I set it up to map the usb->serial adapter that windows gave com34 as com1 in DOSBox
  2. I set up the D drive in DOSBox to be a dropbox folder so I can share my config between computers and do backups more easily
  3. Create a shortcut to the Motorola MAXTRAC RSS software like
    "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.72\dosbox.exe" -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.72\dosbox.conf" "C:\Radio\Motorola\MaxTrac\MAXTRAC.exe"
  4. And now we are done and can use the software to program the radio
  5. If you are getting errors and belive these are based on DOSBox being to fast, you can slow it down by adjusting the cycles value in the config file or you can use crlt+F11 to slow it down when it is running

DOSBox auto mounting a directory from conf file

It is possible to get DOSBox to autmatiacally mount a directory from the config file.

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
mount d "C:\Documents and Settings\f15ijp\My Documents\Dropbox\Radio\ProgrammingFiles\"

This line will mount the directory specified as a D: drive in DOSBox

DOSBox using a serialport

In order to allow DOSBox to use the serial ports of the computer you need to change the settings.

I do this in the conf file to have it in one location

# serial1-4 -- set type of device connected to com port.
#              Can be disabled, dummy, modem, nullmodem, directserial.
#              for directserial: realport (required), rxdelay (optional).
serial1=directserial realport:com1
serial3=directserial realport:com34

So this example setting means that com1 of my computer (Windows) is com1 in DOSBox and com34 of my computer is com 3 in DOSBox